The AGM of the Lake District Mountain Trial Association will be held on Friday 24th November 2023 at Wilf’s Café, Staveley.
Unfortunately Sabrina Verjee is now unable to present her talk. However LDMTA’s Secretary Allan Miller has kindly stepped into the breach to give an illustrated talk on his challenging trek along the 2,650 mile long Pacific Crest Trail earlier this year. Allan’s nominated charity for the receipt of donations is PAPYRUS, a charity aiming to reduce suicide rates in young people, and supporting the bereaved.
The AGM will start at 6.30 followed by a buffet at 7.15 and the talk at 8.00. Bookings for the hot buffet meal (which includes meat, fish and veggie options), cost £15-55pp, can be made with Tony Richardson. Note that the meal must be pre-booked with payment by Sunday 19th November. There will be no additional charge for the talk but a collection will be taken in aid of Allan’s nominated charity ‘PAPYRUS’.